Welcome to Rcpp Note! ===================================== This project is an **unofficial** Rcpp API documentation guide. `Rcpp `_ is an R package that provides a seamless integration of R and C++, making it easier to call C++ from R and develop R packages that rely on C++ code. The document here aims to provide a function-by-function reference of the most commonly used classes inside Rcpp, as well as some of my own understanding of this library. The source code of this document is `hosted at Github `_. Feedbacks and pull requests are highly appreciated. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro apiclass Some other useful links: - `Rcpp Gallery `_ - `Rcpp Doxygen `_ - `Rcpp Quick Reference Guide `_ - `Chapter on Rcpp in the book Advanced R `_ Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`